Discrete Packaging, Fast Delivery

If you order before 1 p.m. CDT your order will be processed and shipped the same day in most cases.


Some things to know about Pepper's Parties and Pepper's Spicy Boutique Online

Where are You Located?

509 Washington St, Ellisville, MS 39437

Please call 601-264-2005 to let us know you are on your way!

Do I need an appointment?

Not now. However please call and check to make sure that we are available before heading this way.

Are you keeping your loyalty points program?

Yes, we are. In fact when we have completed the updates on our website you will be able to shop on the website using your loyalty points at store credits.

Once the new website is complete you will be able to use your points both in the store and online.

What is the typical shipping time?

Depending on the time of day that your order is placed it will be somewhere between two and five days typically. Express options are available